The HRI community is a global populace consisting of research experts and practitioners from multiple fields and backgrounds. Related fields of study include robotics, human-computer interaction, human factors, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, education, entertainment, medicine, materials, and more.

Important Dates

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE), unless otherwise specified.
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Paper Types

TAHRI is an inclusive, community-focused venue focused on the latest technological advances in human-robot interaction. The symposium seeks contributions from a broad range of perspectives, including, but not limited to, robots, platforms, hardware, software, sensors, actuators, perception, control, algorithms, models, mechanisms, methods, interfaces, architectures, frameworks, benchmarks, datasets, tools, techniques, or other technologies that, with reasonable effort, can be incorporated into the design, development, or deployment of an HRI system.

TAHRI invites novel, high-quality technological HRI papers that will be peer-reviewed in a flexible process and will be presented live at the symposium. Paper types include two types of full papers—standard review papers and rapid review papers—as well as short papers. Full papers should not be currently under consideration for publication at any other venue, as they will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS), in which there will be no distinction between standard review papers and rapid review papers.

Standard review paper

For technological HRI work intended to go through a full peer-review process.

  • Description: novel, high-quality technological HRI work intended to go through a full peer-review process (including both internal and external reviewers)

  • Format: 6–8 pages (not including references), will be indexed, double-column, anonymized for double-blind review

  • Deadline: papers may be submitted up until Dec. 1st, 2023 (AoE)

  • Notification: Jan. 19th, 2024

  • Other materials: (red = required)

  • Demo video (up to one minute)

  • Notes: Authors of a limited number of standard review papers may be offered an opportunity to revise and resubmit their contributions within two (2) weeks of notification.

Rapid review paper

For technological HRI work that was previously reviewed and additional review materials can be provided.

  • Description: novel, high-quality technological HRI work that has been previously reviewed, but was either not indexed or not published, that has been revised based on previous reviewer feedback, and for which a summary of reviews, rebuttals, and revisions can also be submitted (e.g., papers published in non-archival venues—like arXiv, workshops, etc.—or papers that were rejected from other high-quality venues)

  • Format: 6–8 pages (not including references), will be indexed, double-column, anonymized for double-blind review

  • Deadline: papers may be submitted as part of a rolling review process up until Jan. 19th, 2024 (AoE);  see IMPORTANT NOTES below

  • Notification: within three (3) weeks (approximately) after the TAHRI submission date

  • Other materials: (red = required)

  • Previously reviewed paper (i.e., the original, unedited paper that was previously reviewed no more than 18 calendar months before the date of pre-submission to TAHRI via the form here, due Jan. 12th, 2024; see SPECIAL SUBMISSION PROCESS below)

  • Summary of reviews, rebuttals, and revisions (see template here)

  • PDF tracked changes (Overleaf , LaTeX , Word)

  • Demo video (up to one minute)

  • SPECIAL SUBMISSION PROCESS: rapid review papers are not directly submitted via the PCS submission site, but, instead, through the following process:

  • Step 1: Authors are required to first pre-submit their previously reviewed paper via the non-PCS form here (due Jan. 12th, 2024).

  • Step 2: The Program Chairs will create a custom PCS submission link for your specific rapid review paper and will send that link to you within one (1) business day after receiving your previously reviewed paper; however, if your rapid review paper is received after the rapid review paper submission cap has been reached (see IMPORTANT NOTES below), you will be notified that your rapid review paper will be put on a waitlist for possible review.

  • Step 3: Authors will submit their rapid review paper and other materials via their custom PCS submission link within two (2) weeks of receiving that link from the Program Chairs and before the paper deadline of Jan. 19th, 2024.


  • Rolling reviews: Rapid review papers are part of a new rolling review process, starting from the date the submission site opens (Nov. 6th, 2023) to the rapid review paper deadline (Jan. 19th 2024). These papers will be reviewed by at least two (2) members of the Program Committee who will aim to recommend a decision within approximately three (3) weeks of the date of submission to TAHRI (see Review Guidelines).

  • Submission cap (30): To promote both rapid and high-quality reviews while also respecting the time of the Program Committee, we are limiting (capping) the total number (30) of rapid review papers that may be submitted to TAHRI 2024—after a submission cap of 30 rapid review papers has been received, any additional rapid review papers will be waitlisted for possible review. Thus, authors are strongly encouraged to submit a rapid review paper as early as possible during the rolling review process to ensure their papers are eligible for review. This cap on rapid review paper submissions might be increased at a later date, depending on the availability of the Program Committee—join the TAHRI mailing list to stay updated! (There are no submission caps on standard review papers and short papers.)

  • Previous reviews: The Program Chairs (not the authors) will contact the venue of the previously reviewed paper to attempt to obtain its actual previous reviews and solicit copyright releases from previous reviewers (via the Program Chairs of the previous venue) to make those previous reviews optionally available to the TAHRI Program Committee as part of the TAHRI rapid review process; however, our acquisition of these previous reviews is not a requirement for the rapid review process. The Program Committee has been instructed to evaluate rapid review papers based on the materials submitted by authors (e.g., the revised rapid review paper and associated summary of reviews, rebuttals, and revisions), and may optionally request these previous reviews from the Program Chairs for clarification. If all of the rapid review paper materials available to the Program Committee are insufficient to properly evaluate the paper, the Program Chairs reserve the right to reach out to authors for more information, to transfer the paper to the standard review paper track, or to desk-reject the paper.

Short Paper

For technological HRI work with preliminary results or details of accessible artifacts.

  • Description: recent, ongoing, or otherwise promising technological HRI work with preliminary results or details of accessible artifacts that are relevant to the HRI research community and show potential to promote discussions at TAHRI

  • Format: 2–4 pages (not including references), will not be indexed, double-column, anonymized for double-blind review recommended (but not required)

  • Deadline: papers may be submitted up until Friday, January 19th, 2023 (AoE)

  • Notification: Feb. 9th, 2024

  • Other materials: (red = required)

  • Demo video (up to one minute)

Table Header

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Submission page length
6–8 pages
6–8 pages
2–4 pages
Indexed / Archived
Anonymized for double-blind review
(but not required)
Required materials
Previously reviewed paper (see SPECIAL SUBMISSION PROCESS above)
Summary of reviews, rebuttals, and revisions
Optional materials
Demo video (1-minute)
Demo video (1-minute)
PDF tracked changes
Demo video (1-minute)
# internal (PC) reviews
# external reviews
Submission cap
Submission site opens
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Submission deadline
Dec. 1, 2023 
(revise-and-resubmit: Jan. 26, 2024)
Jan. 19, 2024
(rolling deadline; waitlisted after 30 submissions; pre-submission: Jan. 12, 2024)
Jan. 19, 2024
Decision notification
Jan. 19, 2024
(revise-and-resubmit: Feb. 2, 2024)
~3 weeks after submission
Feb. 2, 2024
Event-ready submission deadline
Mar. 1, 2024
Mar. 1, 2024
Mar. 1, 2024
Camera-ready submission deadline
Mar. 29, 2024
Mar. 29, 2024
Mar. 29, 2024

Submission Guidelines

Prior to submission, authors should carefully review the paper types above and the detailed submission guidelines below.

Submissions closed for
Standard Review Papers
Submissions closed for
Rapid Review Papers
Submissions closed for
Short Papers
Early submission of paper metadata

To help the Program Committee better align reviewers to standard review papers, TAHRI strongly encourages (but does not require) the early submission of paper metadata (e.g., tentative title, authors, keywords, and abstract) before the deadline, even if this paper metadata may change.

Author kit

All paper submissions should be double-column and should fit within the appropriate page length; note that the page length does not include references. All papers for the conference must be submitted in PDF format and conform to ACM Proceedings specifications. Please note that TAHRI follows the general ACM SIG format (“sigconf”, double column format), not the SIGCHI format. Templates are available here (US letter). In addition, ACM has partnered with Overleaf, where you can start writing here.


All full papers (i.e., standard review papers and rapid review papers) are required to be anonymized for the review process. References to previous work by the authors should not be redacted, but should be referred to in the third person. Further instructions are below for anonymization specific to different paper types.

  • Standard review papers: Anonymization includes any supplementary materials, and authors should ensure that identifying information does not appear in code, videos, file metadata, etc. The Program Committee reserves the right to reject a paper that fails to comply with this requirement.

  • Rapid review papers: In Step 1 of the rapid review paper SPECIAL SUBMISSION PROCESS (see paper types above), the previously reviewed paper and any original supporting files should not be modified from their original state, and, thus, should match the anonymization policy of the original venue. If the previously reviewed paper is not already anonymized, the Program Chairs will anonymize it prior to review by the Program Committee. In Step 3 of the rapid review paper SPECIAL SUBMISSION PROCESS (see paper types above), the rapid review paper and any supplementary materials should be fully anonymized consistent with that of standard review papers.

  • Short papers: Anonymization for review is encouraged, but anonymization is not required.


We are asking all authors to make an effort to make their submissions more accessible at every point in the submission process. The HRI 2024 conference organizers have done a fantastic job of creating accessibility guidelines for paper submissions, and we strongly encourage authors to follow them.


Full papers (i.e., standard review papers and rapid review papers) are expected to contain a section in the paper body on how the technological contribution can be reused. TAHRI strongly encourages the presence of a section in the paper detailing the reuse procedure (e.g., system requirements, model parameters, etc.). TAHRI also recommends using services (e.g., OSF) for anonymous hosting of your project materials, and releasing those materials under an appropriate license; please review “choose an open source license” for additional details.


For authors who conducted a user study, we strongly suggest generating a study summary using the form here to be optionally included in the supplementary materials discussed below. For more information about this form, please read the accompanying short paper from HRI 2023: “Towards Improved Replicability of Human Studies in Human-Robot Interaction: Recommendations for Formalized Reporting”.

Studies with human participants

As a potential published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM publications policies, including ACM’s new publications policy on research involving human participants and subjects. Please review these links carefully if your studies involved human participants.

Other materials

Authors can add supplementary material to their submissions, such as videos, text, images, or other documents. TAHRI organizers strongly encourage authors to submit a short demonstration video of up to 20MB and up to one (1) minute. This material should be required to understand the paper, and should be used as a way to avoid the page limitations. This material will also not be indexed in the ACM digital library, but may be archived on other servers (e.g., YouTube).

Agreement to review

By submitting a standard review paper, its authors agree to collectively review up to three (3) other standard review papers at the request of the Program Committee.

Review Guidelines

Review guidelines and criteria were informed by feedback from the HRI community via the survey here.

Each paper will be evaluated with respect to the eight (8) quantitative scales below each addressing different dimensions of the contribution. Because we aim to make TAHRI an inclusive and welcoming community, a paper might still be accepted even if it does not receive a high score on all scales. All reviewers are strongly encouraged (though not required) to add justifications (i.e., comments, commendations, and concerns) for each score, especially in cases in which a score is at an extremum of the scale. To ensure high-quality and informative reviews, all reviewers are also encouraged to read about (and avoid) common mistakes reviewers make.

For inquiries regarding the review process, please email the Program Chairs (


How relevant is this paper to the TAHRI audience? To what degree would the TAHRI audience be interested in learning about this work?


How impactful are the contributions of this paper? To what degree would people still be talking about this work in five (5) years?


How novel are the problems or approaches in this paper? To what degree are the methods, systems, algorithms, and/or results significantly different from what is already published at similar venues?


How methodologically sound is this paper? To what degree are the methods rigorous, the approaches robust, and confounding elements limited?


How well supported are the claims in this paper by its evaluation (e.g., by appropriate theoretical analysis or experimental results)? To what degree were appropriate measures and/or populations used, and are the claims direct results from the evaluation?


How well organized and clearly written is this paper? To what degree is the paper easy to read, the organization of the paper makes sense, and all necessary information is clearly presented?


Does this paper provide enough information or resources to be replicated?  Consider the IEEE P3108 Study Reporting Guidelines (paper / form).


Does this paper address applicable ethical considerations, such as responsible data collection and use (e.g., informed consent, privacy), and also possible deception or societal harm (e.g., exacerbating injustice or discrimination due to algorithmic bias, etc.)?  See the ACM Policy on Research involving Human Participants. In particular, does this paper require further specialized ethics review?

Publication Guidelines

All full papers will be indexed / archived in the TAHRI 2024 proceedings, which will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Short papers will not be indexed / archived. Authors should choose the format that best suits the work and their goals.

  • Event-ready papers (due Mar. 1, 2024): Pre-print, “event-ready” versions of all papers will be due before the TAHRI symposium and will be linked in the TAHRI online program.

  • Camera-ready papers (due Mar. 29, 2024): Final, “camera-ready” versions of all papers will be due after the TAHRI symposium; this is to allow authors to integrate feedback from the TAHRI audience into their final, camera-ready papers. All links will be updated in the TAHRI online program after the symposium; in the case of full papers (i.e., standard review papers and rapid review papers), camera-ready papers will be indexed in the formal archived TAHRI proceedings, which will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Presentation Guidelines

At least one (1) author of each accepted paper is expected to present their work in-person (papers will not be presented virtually), and, thus, must be registered for TAHRI. For full papers and short papers, we ask authors to prepare a full 7-minute presentation or a short 2-minute presentation, respectively (not including questions).

We also invite (but do not require) authors to prepare and record a supplementary presentation as a video, which we will then link in our program and on social media. These optional supplementary presentations will not be shown during TAHRI, but will be part of a public TAHRI video playlist. These supplementary presentations could be longer to go into the depths of your research, or they could be shorter to spotlight/advertise your research, so use your own best judgment on how to convey your research to your desired audience.

Poster Guidelines

To maximize interaction within the community, TAHRI will prominently feature multiple poster sessions, in which authors of all paper types are invited to contribute. We ask authors to please prepare a poster that adheres to the following guidelines:

  • A1 size (594mm x 841mm / 23.4” x 33.1”) or up to 24” x 36”

  • Vertical (portrait) orientation to accommodate available space in the poster session

  • Printed in color on paper or fabric poster material

  • We recommend (but do not require) using the “Better Poster” format

You are welcome to bring your poster with you or to print it locally on campus. You can use CU Boulder’s Ink Spot printing service, but note that the service is closed during the symposium dates. If you would like us to pick up it for you, please email the Program Chairs ( with confirmation from the printer service by Mar. 4th, 2024, 5pm MT (UTC-7).

Note that there will be no available power supplies or digital displays for video presentations during the poster session itself.